Friday, December 10, 2010

Last Week

I continued to volunteer after my required hours but I won't be returning to the food bank until after Christmas, so I think now is a good time to have a last entry. I finally donated that turkey and believe or not I'm getting another one, so I'll probably donate that one too. My family isn't too fond of turkey, so I'm more than happy to give it away.
From blogging, I've actually learned quite a bit about the food bank and the needs of the community. The recession has made the food bank more popular than ever. It's really made me appreciate what I have; I'm lucky. In that aspect, I try to donate food and give my time because there might be a day where I need to use the food bank. It just makes me feel good to help someone with something as basic as food. Another thing I've noticed, a lot of the people (probably a bigger majority than total population) have just moved here from somewhere else, like immigrants. They're some of the nicest people but there's usually a language gap. I wish I could speak Spanish or Bosnian so I could be a better asset.
Overall, I'm going to miss the food bank for the few weeks I don't go. I enjoy the people I work with and that was unexpected for me. I really feel like I'm making a difference in the community and that's a rewarding feeling. I want to volunteer there as long as I can.