Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 20th

This Wednesday was just awkward. There was almost no food; we ran out of tuna helper and jelly. That almost never happens. I think they were expecting a new shipment of food soon and that's why it was so low. On the other hand, we had more than enough fruits and veges. That's one thing I love about the Food Bank, people with gardens always donate the food they can't eat so we get organic fresh produce daily. A regular person would have to go to the market and pay top price for something we can give people to free.
I know in America so many people have to choose between expensive fruits and vegetables when they can get chips and soda for so much cheaper. It's leading to the obesity problem we have. Lower incomes typically don't have good nutrition due to those extra expenses. The Food Bank is changing that just by personal donations. I love to see the kindness in this town.
The decrease of food has me even more worried about the Thanksgiving baskets. It's about a month till then and we're nowhere near ready. I think, however, they might be moving the baskets from the Meridian Food Bank to the Idaho Food Bank. If that's true, then I'll feel better, but it’s just a rumor.
I enjoy the people I work with and I'm looking forward to next week.

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